Stroud Resources Ltd. is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol “SDR”. Stroud’s mission is to create shareholder value through the exploration and discovery of precious metal deposits. It has previously focused on an easily accessible, epithermal gold and silver projects in Mexico and Archean gold deposits in Canada.
Advance Lithium in joint venture talks with Mexico’s national lithium company
Cámara Minera de México (Camimex), the Mexican equivalent of the Mining Association of Canada (MAC), is adopting MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative.
Gatos Silver shares rose by 12% Wednesday after the company saw its best ever quarter and calendar year for silver production at its Cerro Los Gatos (CLG) mine, comfortably beating its 2022 production guidance.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his administration will issue a call for US and Canadian companies to participate in the country’s incipient lithium market.