Stroud Resources Ltd. is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol “SDR”. Stroud’s mission is to create shareholder value through the exploration and discovery of precious metal deposits. It has previously focused on an easily accessible, epithermal gold and silver projects in Mexico and Archean gold deposits in Canada.
Recommended Read Endeavour Silver Agrees to Sell El Cubo Mine in Guanajuato, Mexico to VanGold Mining Corp. for US$15 Forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, production levels, performance or achievements of Endeavour and its operations to be materially different […]
Inflation fears, and rampant liquidity are continuing to drive concerns. Many companies, such as Coeur are aggressively investing to take advantage of these trends. Recommended Read Coeur invests $68 million in exploration for 2021 Coeur invests $68 million in exploration for 2021 ... Read More »
Mexico’s mining production remained stagnant during the third quarter, according to a central bank (Banxico) report based on interviews with business executives between September 26 and October 20.