Stroud Resources Ltd. is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol “SDR”. Stroud’s mission is to create shareholder value through the exploration and discovery of precious metal deposits. It has previously focused on an easily accessible, epithermal gold and silver projects in Mexico and Archean gold deposits in Canada.
Mining companies are pushing toward exploration, p…
Mining companies are pushing toward exploration, permitting and technical milestones at a string of early-stage gold and silver projects in Mexico this year.
BNamericas presents a roundup of 10 of those projects.
Mining companies are pushing toward exploration, permitting and technical milestones at a string of early-stage gold and silver projects in Mexico this year.
BNamericas presents a roundup of 10 of those projects.
Recommended Read GoGold Releases Final Drill Holes Prior to Upcoming Initial Mineral Resource Estimate at Los Ricos North GoGold Resources Inc. is pleased to release the results of 5 drill holes at El Favor East, 2 at El Orito, 1 at Mololoa and 1 at El Nayar within Los Ricos North. ... Read More »
Last year, foreign and local companies invested approximately US$383 million in mining exploration in Mexico, down 37.4 percent from the US$612 million placed into the industry in 2017. Increased scrutiny from President Andres Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on miners’ environmental practices and treatment of indigenous people could cause these statistics to remain stagnant over the […]
Minaurum Gold Inc. is pleased to provide an update from both Fortuna Silver Corp. and Infinitum Copper Corp., optionors of Minaurum’s Mexican Taviche (Oaxaca) and Adelita (Sonora) projects, respectively.